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  • PYP

    English Playschool Mission Statement

    English Playschool aims to provide children with the opportunities to grow academically, creatively, physically and socially. 

    We want them to feel encouraged to take challenges, to learn through inquiry and to think critically, in order to become individuals who are imaginative, independent, open-minded and self-motivated; we strive to bring up lifelong learners who will create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

    IBO Mission Statement

    The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

    To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

    These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

    Inclusion Policy

    English Playschool acknowledges that students come with a variety of cognitive, emotional, and physical needs. As we aim in equal learning opportunities for every student, we are committed to identifying and removing barriers to learning. English Playschool community values and respects all students equally and aim to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to engage in the curriculum. We seek to offer every inclusive student relevant education, to enable learners to experience academic success, and to be fully included in their school community. 

    We aim to provide a stimulating learning environment across the whole curriculum, which maximizes each student’s potential.

    The purpose of the Inclusion Policy is to support each student and their parents within the stimulating learning environment and conditions; to provide more consistent approaches and promote common understandings about inclusion across the school community; to better support and guide parents, teachers, and administrators. We aim to optimize the teaching and learning process to enable students with learning barriers/difficulties to achieve expected levels of achievement in academic, social, and emotional areas.

    We aim to provide a happy, healthy, and safe school by:  

    – Recognizing, reflecting and celebrating the skills, talents, contributions, and diversity of all our students;

    – Providing high-quality pastoral care, support, and guidance;

    – Protecting the health, safety, and welfare of students;

    – Listening to and acknowledging the concerns of children and parents;

    – Balancing the needs of all the members of the school community

    Learning Support Needs are identified with the help of various assessments in collaboration with teachers and the Learning Support Team, which includes school psychologists, a speech therapist, a PE teacher, and some specialist teachers. At the beginning of every academic year, the Learning Support team carefully observes all the students to identify learning difficulties and to develop learning maps for SEN students. English Playschool provides both in-school and external professional development opportunities for teachers who work with learning difficulties. The inclusion model is used at English Playschool, so the learning support staff works alongside classroom teachers. Students who need extra practice spend time with their classroom teachers before regular classes or with a member of the Learning Support team outside the classroom on a temporary or occasional basis to enable them to meet particular goals.

    In some cases a shadow will be required. Parents are informed about the progress of the child. Learning Support staff is always ready to discuss children’s individual needs with parents by appointment.

    The Learning Support Team is responsible for maintaining a list of all the students in the school that have been identified as having learning difficulties or special educational needs. Strict information security regulations apply to this information, and it is stored securely and made available only to a limited group of staff with specific responsibilities. 

    During the course of the year, teachers receive updates on the students’ progress, and the situation is monitored. Meetings are held with parents and outside agencies when required. 

    English Playschool aims to create educational opportunities for all students. It is necessary to remember that the language of instruction in English Playschool is English and is not the first language for any of our students. Starting from the age of 7, students need to cover both Russian and English programmes. Both programmes are extended compared to regular state schools. 

    Children with difficulties in one or areas are noted as inclusive students. By this, we mean that this child needs individualized support and curriculum, which are developed by the Learning Support team depending on the child’s needs. The main areas of focus are:

    – Thinking, understanding, and learning

    – Emotions and behaviour difficulties

    – Speech, language, and communication

    – Volition and self-regulation

    – Physical difficulties

    If a child has a proven medical condition or disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the learning opportunities or facilities provided for other children, school administration and teaching staff access if we can provide suitable conditions for the student. In case we don’t have the resources to fulfill a particular student’s needs, we will recommend a different educational institution. In case the school community is able to create both physical and social conditions for a student to strive and be engaged in the learning process, we will do so. The curriculum is differentiated to meet the needs of every student. Various teaching styles and flexible grouping reflect this approach, including the use of individual, small group, and whole-class contexts. 

    The provision for inclusive students will match the nature of their individual needs; class teachers and the Learning Support team will regularly update records of the students’ specific needs, the actions taken, and the outcomes. Curriculum tasks and activities may be broken down into a series of small and achievable steps for students who have marked learning difficulties. All the teaching staff involved in student support are aware of the individual needs of students.

    Differentiation is seen as the process of identifying, with each learner, the most effective strategies for achieving agreed goals.

          Source: Special education needs within the International Baccalaureate programmes (2010) 


    The school expects that all teachers differentiate learning as a matter of course. It is part of the planning process to consider ways of differentiating teaching and learning according to the needs of each student. We aim to specify differentiation approaches and strategies that are to be employed. The goal of these strategies is to develop students’ (including students with SEN) ability to manage their learning processes and their confidence and to enable them to organize learning situations, tasks, and processes in ways that they know to be most effective for themselves. Teachers should guide and facilitate this movement towards independent student-directed learning. 

    Where external professional support is required, the Learning Support Team will source and forward details to parents. English Playschool has no influence over, or responsibility for, the terms set by these external individuals or agencies, though the school can offer advice for additional support.

    We appreciate the input and support of parents and aim to work in partnership with them. Parents are informed when a student is highlighted as possibly inclusive. They are kept fully informed as to any results from testing and actions taken. 

    English Playschool is committed to a policy of inclusion and equality. We are committed to promoting a culture of inclusion, tolerance, and respect to inspire mutually supportive students at English Playschool.  Bullying is NOT a disagreement, argument, or fight in which both parties equally participate and where there is no imbalance of power. Bullying is repeated actions, intentionally carried out to cause harm or offense to another person or group. We believe that bullying of any kind is unacceptable, regardless of who bullies, how it is delivered, or what reasons are given to justify it. 

    In English Playschool we want

    • all students to feel safe to learn, play and enjoy the company of others.
    • all children and adults to be treated with respect and dignity.
    • all school staff to feel happy and safe in the workplace.

    In English Playschool, we want everybody to feel confident to report bullying and get the help they need to feel safe. If someone is bullying a student, it important to remember that it is not their fault, and there are people who want and can help. We encourage students to address someone they trust, giving as many facts as possible (Who? Where? What? Why? When? How?). All pupils know that if they are experiencing bullying, they should tell their teacher in the first instance. Consequences for deliberate bullying include:  

    First incident: students have the opportunity to correct the error; the teacher will lead a reflection session with the student.

    Second incident: IB coordinator will be informed and is to lead a reflection session; parents will be informed; the student signs a formal letter of commitment. 

    Third incident: Head of School and IB coordinator will be informed and are to lead a reflection session; Parents will be invited into school. 

    All the learners know that ignoring bullying is unfair to the victim. There are ways you can help without a direct intervention. First of all, inform a teacher or other staff member as soon as possible.

    This policy is developed by the Learning Support team in collaboration with school administration and classroom teachers. It is the responsibility of the IB coordinator to develop and maintain a policy review cycle, updating the information. The next revision is scheduled for the academic year 2022/2023. Members of the community will be asked to take part in this review.

    Language Policy

    We believe that all languages are equal, that a language is a key to multicultural understanding as people understand culture through language and language through culture. We strongly believe that a language is acquired in an authentic way and that immersion is the most effective way to learn a language. Language is to always be taught meaningfully and in context. Language is more than knowing words: eloquence increases self-worth. At English Playschool, we consider language support and development a shared responsibility.

    The acquisition of more than one language and maintenance of the mother tongue enrich personal growth and help facilitate international mindedness and intercultural understanding. As we see our school as a community, we aim to foster students’ ability to think and express themselves with precision, clarity, confidence, and imagination in at least two languages. 

    At English Playschool, we aim to create an inquiry supporting environment where the language of instruction is English. English is the medium of instruction at English Playschool and is taught as the primary language. It has precedence in the school’s language programme. It is also the preferred and acceptable language of communication in the school.  We are strongly committed to providing students with access to Russian language learning and utilizing the host country and community for language and cultural experiences throughout the curriculum. 

    We respect that many of our students come from culturally diverse backgrounds, and their primary language may not be English. As part of our aim of creating globally-minded citizens, we, therefore, permit students to use their mother tongue when they are not in lessons, as long as this does not lead to the exclusion of other students. By doing this, we encourage our students to celebrate their diverse language knowledge and learn from each other, not only in a classroom environment.

    The language of collaboration is English. Our students’ families are to be fully informed and have all information freely accessible; that is why most of the documents are provided in both English and Russian. We are working on translating our website to reflect the bilingual nature of our school. 

    The language policy supports the shared responsibility of all community members, including teachers, students, and parents, for the language development of all students. Through this collaboration, all students will be supported in: 

    – becoming successful communicators in English,

    – being able to communicate in Russian with confidence and functionality, including the ability to participate in Russian culture.

    – becoming fluent in their mother tongue, communicate with confidence and functionality, and participate in their native cultures.

    – becoming  balanced multilinguals with well-developed cognitive and language skills.

    To achieve these goals, all teachers and students are encouraged to become active language learners, and all teachers are considered being language teachers within their subject.

    The cultural and linguistic background of the majority of the student population is similar, being residents of Moscow. The school recognizes that multilingualism enriches the personal development of every child and enhances intercultural understanding and international-mindedness. The following points summarize the language profile of students currently studying at English Playschool Moscow: 

    1. Majority of the students (86%) have Russian as their mother tongue/native language.

    2. A small percentage of students (14%) have other as their mother tongue. 

    3. Most students are second language learners of English. 

    4. English is the medium of instruction and is commonly acceptable to all.

    This policy is intended to provide an overview of language learning at English Playschool. It is written in line with the principles and practices of the International Baccalaureate (IB) as well as Russian state curriculum (FGOS). The policy outlines our school’s linguistic goals and defines a language programme. It is created to assist our students in attaining these goals through authentic contexts in a culturally rich and diverse environment. It also aims to outline systems and strategies in place to support the development of English and Russian as well as advance and uphold the use of mother tongues in the school community.

    In English Playschool, we place language acquisition in the center of the learning process. We recognize that language is central to learning as is both medium and subject of a teaching and learning process, therefore all teachers are, in practice, language teachers with responsibilities in facilitating meaningful communication and with the aim of language skills development.

    Language is the connecting element across the school’s curriculum, both within and outside its transdisciplinary programme of inquiry. Language learning is incorporated in all disciplines and in the curriculum. The school uses the PYP Language Scope and Sequence and Russian state curriculum documents as guidelines for language development.

    English is the primary language taught in English Playschool; it is both the language of instruction and the language through which the students connect to the PYP curriculum. We strongly believe in an integrated language learning. People comprehend language through listening, reading, viewing and express through speaking or writing. The three strands of communication (oral, written and visual) are interrelated and cannot be taught or learned in isolation.

    In English Playschool, we ensure that our students acquire the English language in a meaningful way by:

    – promoting integrated language acquisition;

    – using language as a transdisciplinary element throughout the curriculum;

    – using a literature-based approach to language learning ;

    – encouraging cooperative discussion and peer-learning in the classroom;

    – encouraging reading for understanding;

    – using  scaffolding with teachers providing strategies for the student to build on his or her learning;

    – viewing writing as a process;

    – teaching students to read and research using multimedia resources;

    – using language for creative problem solving and information processing;

    – using a range of authentic assessment strategies such as portfolios, conferencing, writing sample analysis.

    – encouraging to reflect on and comment on students’ own actions and learning.

    Teaching strategies may include working in small groups, differentiating instructions, hands-on activities, project-based learning, etc.

    In addition to this, English Playschool provides a range of specialist support, including individual support, speech and language specialists, foreign language teachers, etc. Daily interactions with teachers and peers from foreign countries allow students to immerse in the language and acquire it authentically.

    Russian is the language of the host country and a native language of the majority of our students. We make sure to create various opportunities both for Russian-speaking students and students from other countries to master the Russian language and get familiar with the culture of the host country.

     Russian-speaking students have Russian lessons twice a week from the age of 5. From the age of 3, they have weekly classes with psychologists conducted in Russian; those lessons aim to explore one’s feelings and emotions, reflect, develop self-identity, and master social skills. Speech therapist conducts group classes twice a week with children from 3 to 5, as well as individual or mini-group classes to correct articulation and handwriting.

    Students for whom Russian is not the first language, attend Russian as foreign language classes twice a week; they also explore it while communicating with their peers. Families of our so-called Russian club regularly receive information letters on events to attend in Moscow, including museums, exhibitions, theatre performances. Through these events, they can get familiar with the host country language and culture; there is also information on Russian language events and courses outside the School. 

    In English Playschool, different cultural events are celebrated on a regular basis; among the International Days we have (we celebrate the culture and language of every one of your students’ and teachers’ culture), Russian Day is probably the most extensive one. Russian holidays like Maslenitsa, Victory Day, Cosmonautics Day, etc. also play a significant role. During those events, all of our students and parents who are willing to participate are exposed to Russian culture, language, and history. Among our library resources, there is a collection of Russian fiction and non-fiction books, travel guides, and magazines. Parents’ involvement is essential for our school community. Parents expose students to different mother tongues through library and classroom visits and special events such as Mother Tongue Day and International Days. Throughout the year, students are exposed to numerous celebrations linked to diverse cultures within our community to promote international mindedness and an appreciation of the host country’s culture.

    We believe all languages are equal and strive to support mother-tongue learning among our students, for whom neither English nor Russian is the first language. At School, children have an opportunity to attend German and Italian classes. We provide information about cultural centers and language support opportunities in Moscow, taking into account all the cultural diversity of our students, parents, and teachers. International days provide an opportunity for international students to celebrate their country and culture and share with their peers and teachers. The School organizes many events wherein there is always an integration of the mother tongue and the host country language as one of the areas of performance and presentation, among them International Mother Tongue Day. In case some of our community members are eager to invite teachers or organize language clubs, we provide a place at School for them to conduct those classes.  

    The community is considered a valuable resource to aid language learning. Students go on numerous field trips such as to museums, libraries, theaters where they have an opportunity to use the host country language in context and gain an insight into the host country culture.

    While language acquisition follows distinct stages, students’ rate of acquisition varies significantly from individual to individual. Therefore, language teachers assess all language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) regularly. Using a range of tools and strategies, teachers can determine students’ knowledge, skills, understanding, and attitudes towards language. Teachers use pre-assessment to identify students’ prior knowledge and to distinguish the course of action. Formative assessment is used to check-in and to give constructive feedback or praise on learning. Summative assessments, in turn, are used to gather evidence about student’s learning at the end of a unit. Various forms of both formative and summative assessments, including teacher assessment, students self- and peer-assessment, may be used.

    Assessments are reported to parents in different ways. Twice a year, students receive written report cards about their language learning. Parents are also invited to attend parent-teacher, three-way, and student-led conferences. We use portfolios to track students’ progress and celebrate their achievements.

    The library is fundamental to the language programme at English Playschool. The school library and media center provides a learning space and an environment to promote love for reading and appreciation of books  as well as a place for research. There is also a library corner in each classroom. As an additional resource, Interactive Smartboards are also used to provide an interactive approach to teaching and learning in order to accommodate the various learning styles of the students.

    The library contains fiction, non-fiction, picture books, chapter books, board books, pop-up-books, big books, multicultural books, adapted world classics, multilingual books, reference books, encyclopedias and media that are accessible to all students, parents and staff. We see the school library as a valuable resource to promote the international mindedness aspect of the IB programme.

    The library is also seen as a place which makes a strong statement that all languages are celebrated and supported. The library has a collection of books in English, Russian and other foreign languages and the school continues to add to this collection.

    The library also provides resources for collaborative planning, researching and teacher professional development. Our school board is aware of the need to expand these resources and there are plans to continually add to the same.

    Teachers conduct classes in the library with prior information. There’s also a Book & Drama club for students of different age which is conducted in the school library. The librarian as well as homeroom teachers conduct book discussions, read aloud, help conduct research and help students browse and pick up books. In addition to using the school library, every class also has a class library. Games, art, music, maps and artefacts are used to help students make connections in their language learning.  

    This policy is developed by the school administration, leadership team and collaborative teaching team. It is the responsibility of the IB coordinator to develop and maintain a policy review cycle, updating the information. The next revision is scheduled for the academic year 2022/2023. 

    Assessment Policy

    We believe that the assessment is effective if:

    – Objectives and criteria are known and understood in advance

    – All the stakeholders understood the purpose of assessment

    – It allows students to synthesize and apply their learning

    – It provides effective feedback

    The aim of assessing learners is to provide a supportive and positive environment that helps students to improve their learning, allows teachers to enhance their teaching, and contributes to the efficacy of the PYP. It also provides information on student’s progress to parents, administrators, and other teachers. Assessment is planned at the start of each unit of inquiry and demonstrates clear links between the assessment tasks and central ideas.

    Effective assessment practices allow: 

    – Learners to be agents of the learning process through reflection and demonstration of the understanding;

    – Teachers to provide authentic instructions and to share progress with students and families;

    – Families to track evidence of their child’s learning and development and supporting them;

    – Administrators to create a positive learning environment and a sense of community and communicate the school’s progress.


    Diagnostic assessment at the beginning of the unit/topic allows teachers and students to find out what the students already know and what they can and cannot do. 

    Formative assessment 

    Formative assessment goes together with daily instruction and assists the teacher in planning for the next stages of learning. It provides consistent feedback to teachers, students, and families. It also allows students to improve their understanding and to enhance intrinsic motivation. At English Playschool, we use various assessment tools to keep a record of student progress.

    Summative Assessment 

    Summative assessment takes place at the end of the teaching and learning process and provides students with an opportunity to show what they have learned. It also demonstrates how effectively students understand the central idea of the unit. 

    Final Assessment 

    Final assessment is the assessment of the outcome of the learning process in the PYP and standard of the Russian Federation (at the end of kindergarten and at the end of class 4), allows the student to demonstrate acquired knowledge and skills, their application in practice.

    In English Playschool, we use a variety of strategies and approaches to gather information about students’ learning. Teachers record this information using tools and strategies like online and physical portfolios, project binders, photography evidence and video recording.


    All students are regularly observed, both individually and at a group- and class-level from non-participant (observing from without) to participant (observing from within). Observations are conducted both during formal classes and other activities, e.g., playtime, outside time, daily routines, etc.

    The focus of observation may vary:   

    – Individual and general class behaviour;

    – Student interactions and teamwork;

    – IB Approaches to Learning – Communication, Thinking, Self-Management, Research and Social Skills;

    – Response to instructions;

    – Student actions and application of material learned;

    – Student health and circumstances.


    In English Playschool, we use Focus child practice to make sure each child is carefully observed and his or her progress is recorded. Documentation of the child observation are based on what is actually seen and heard and is as detailed as possible.       


    Performance assessments

    We believe in an authentic assessment directed by pre-established goals and criteria. Such assessment provides significant challenges and problems for students to solve. In such tasks, there are various approaches to solving the problem and rarely only one correct response. Audio, video and narrative are often used to record this kind of assessment.

    Assessment is based on performance during:      

    – Role-play

    – Presentation

    – Demonstration

    – Problem-solving

    – Response to challenges


    Selected responses

    Selected responses include single occasion, one-dimensional tasks. Quizzes and tests are the most common examples of this form of assessment. At English Playschool, students may be assessed through:

    – Written Test performance

    – Oral Test performance

    – Quiz responses    


    Open-ended tasks

    Open-ended tasks are situations in which students encounter a stimulus and need to communicate an original response in any form they prefer. That might be a brief written answer, a drawing, a diagram, a scheme, etc. The work, with the assessment criteria attached, is included in the portfolio. 


    Rubrics are a pre-identified set of criteria for grading students in different areas. The descriptors show what characteristics to look for in students’ work and how to rate the work on a predetermined scale. Rubrics are often used for formative and summative assessment.


    These are samples of children’s performance working as standards against which other samples are assessed. Usually, there is a benchmark for each achievement level in a scoring rubric. Teachers at our school are encouraged to set benchmarks that are appropriate and usable within the context of a particular unit of inquiry.

    Anecdotal records

    Anecdotal records are short notes based on students’ observation. Sometimes we use “Learning stories,” which are extended observations that can be analyzed later. That also includes photos and videos of students’ learning.


    Continuums are visual representations of different developmental stages of learning. They show children’s progression of achievement or identify where a student is in the process.

    Reporting on assessment at English Playschool includes communicating what students know, understand, and can do. Reporting involves parents, students, and teachers as partners and is honest, comprehensive, and understandable to all involved. The school communicates the student assessments only through Parent-Teacher Meetings and 3-Way conferences.

    Achievements of students of 2, 3, and 4 primary school year of the Russian school system are represented with grades. Grades can show whether a student has reached the learning goal (standard); what student’s current level of performance is (meeting, exceeding, approaching standard). It also shows whether students have improved during the quarter, semester, or year and whether they ready to move on to higher levels of learning or new concepts. Those results are represented in end-of-term, end-of-the-year, and final grades for years 2-4 of Primary school.

    End-of-Term Grades: An end-of-term grade is an interim grade that serves as an indicator of a student’s academic achievement at the end of a term. They are awarded based on both formative and summative evidence and are based on a 2-5 grading scale. 

    End-of-Year Grades: At the end of the school year, teachers review each student’s performance based on the summative evidence and, depending on the overall level of achievement, give a final grade based on the 2-5 grading scale. 

    Final Grades: Final grades for Year 4 students of the Russian school system are determined based on a student’s overall performance during the course. The grade award is based on the final examination results, end-of-term, and end-of-year grades. 

    Parent-teacher conferences are held biannually to report on the progress and development of the student.        

    PYP approaches to learning are reported through a continuum, while all other components of the programme are covered through the written comments. The students’ information on performance and development is communicated to parents in many ways. The types of assessments used in the school are varied and give an overall picture of the students’ progress.   

    Throughout the school year many events like the Autumn Ball, Winter and Summer concerts, Charity Fair, International Days, Space Day, Maslenitsa and other events demonstrate the students’ journey of PYP and also depict the knowledge which they have acquired in all disciplines.

    Students in the PYP help to develop a portfolio based on a range of experiences and curriculum areas. Student’s portfolio is a collection of work selected by the student and teachers and is a record of student’s involvement in learning. It is designed to demonstrate growth, thinking skills, creativity, assessment strategies, and reflection. Portfolios celebrate students’ learning through the PYP and show the holistic development of the child, both within and outside of the Programme of Inquiry.

    Portfolios enable students to reflect with teachers, parents, and peers on their strengths, weaknesses as well as areas that can be improved throughout the year.

    Students take ownership of their portfolios with the guidance of the teacher. Portfolios are easily accessible to students. Students understand the purpose of portfolios, the process used to compile them, and are able to explain why specific materials go in their portfolios.

    Portfolio content is not limited to written work. The balance of ‘teacher-selected’ versus ‘student- selected’ content in portfolios depends on the age and maturity of students. Teachers help students learn how to choose items to include in their portfolios. A variety of media is represented to reflect different learning needs, including drawings, photos, voice recordings, videos, and multimedia.

    Written Progress Reports

    Progress reports are developed keeping in view the local curriculum needs aligning with IB Requirements. The Report card informs of student progress and areas of improvement in various units of inquiry (UOI), Learner profiles and the trans-disciplinary skills of a child. Progress reports will be produced 2 times a year taking need into account.

    Learning Support Needs are identified with the help of various assessments in collaboration with teachers and Learning Support team which includes school psychologists, speech therapist, PE teacher and some specialist teachers. The inclusion model is used at English Playschool so Learning Support staff works alongside classroom teachers. Students who need extra practice spend time with their classroom teachers before regular classes or with a member of the Learning Support team outside the classroom on a temporary or occasional basis to enable them to meet particular goals. Parents are informed about the progress of the child. Learning Support staff is always happy to discuss children’s individual needs with parents by appointment. External referrals may be made when necessary .

    The school curriculum is to be available for all students. If students are inclusive, a graduated response will be adopted. The curriculum is differentiated to meet individual student’s needs. In addition, educators use different strategies and flexible grouping, including the use of individual, small group, and whole-class setting. 

    The provision for inclusive students matches the nature of their individual needs; class teachers and the Learning Support team will regularly update records of the students’ specific needs, the action taken, and the outcomes. All the teaching staff involved in student support are aware of the individual needs of students.

    This policy is developed by the school administration and school leadership team. It is the responsibility of the IB coordinator to develop and maintain a policy review cycle, updating the information. The next revision is scheduled for the academic year 2020/2021. 

    Academic honesty

    The purpose of this policy is to create a positive learning environment in English Playschool, where students create original work and recognize the work of others. We believe that the ability to produce genuine work is essential to quality academic research and practice. According to the IBO,

    an authentic piece of work is one that is based on the candidate’s individual and original ideas with the ideas and work of others fully acknowledged.

    All assignments, written or oral, completed by learners for assessment must authentically use that learners’ language and interpretation. When sources are used or referred to, such references must be adequately acknowledged.

    English Playschool is committed to supporting students in undertaking academically correct practices in both their personal and educational lives. By displaying academic honesty, students are reflecting the IB Learner Profile. The four main attributes that reflect academic honesty are:

    – Principled: We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences. 

    – Caring: We show empathy, compassion, and respect. 

    – Risk-takers: We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.  

    – Thinkers: We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

    Plagiarism: this is defined as the representation of the ideas or work of another person as the candidate’s own. 

    Collusion: this is defined as supporting malpractice by another candidate, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another. 

    Duplication of work: this is defined as the presentation of the same work for different assessment components; Any other behaviour that gains an unfair advantage for a candidate or that affects the results of another candidate (for example, taking unauthorized material into an examination room, misconduct during an examination, falsifying records). 

    Source: IB Academic Honesty Paper 2011

    The attitudes advocated by the PYP that support the development of integrity and honesty in an academic community are set out in Making the PYP happen: A curriculum framework for international primary education. We believe confidence, independence, integrity, and respect to be the essential qualities for developing values of personal academic honesty. All the educators in English Playschool are striving to encourage those qualities. As mentioned before, the Learner Profile emphasizes being principled in our actions, which is also essential for the development of the practice of academic honesty.

     In the PYP, academic honesty is to be both modeled by all the community members as well as explicitly taught. Teachers address academic honesty or dishonesty in authentic contexts, particularly in the area of assessment. Teachers are committed to act as role models and to create inquiry-based assessment tasks where creativity is encouraged. We are striving to design assessment criteria that value and celebrate the learning process rather than only the outcome. English Playschool encourages reflection on the learning process and supports students in developing the skills and attitudes required for completing their task in an academically honest manner. Grade 4 students attend an orientation session on academic honesty with the PYP coordinator and Primary School headteacher before beginning to prepare for the exhibition.

    As we see our school as a community, we firmly believe that each of the community members is responsible for promoting Academic Honesty.

    The Head of School, administration, and educators take responsibility:

    – to explain what academic honesty is in specific terms; 

    – to provide clear criteria for measuring academic dishonesty, including giving examples;

    to help students and parents see academic honesty as a more extensive set of values and skills that support lifelong learning;

    to address approaches to learning (ATL) across the curriculum;

    to engage in collaborative planning with other educators, including specialist teachers, to agree on expectations and teaching strategies for promoting academic honesty;

     to support and act on the School’s policy on sound educational practice and provide students with advice whenever necessary; 

    to set appropriate expectations and practice regarding references, citations, quotations, and paraphrasing in different age groups;

    to model academically honest practices in the creation of teaching materials (e.g., correctly citing images, text, etc. used in presentations, example papers, etc.) ;

    to emphasize that the process of learning is as important as the outcome.


    The parents take responsibility:

    • to read and understand the Academic honesty policy; 
    • to be a role model for their children in the issues related to academic honesty; 
    • to support the academic honesty philosophy of English Playschool. 

    Students in English Playschool endeavour:

    • to be principled in all areas of their lives and to exhibit principled behavior when being involved in any learning experience;
    • to take responsibility at age-appropriate level for their academic honesty as well as for recognition of what behaviours constitute academic misconduct;
    • to communicate knowledge in his/her own words, summarize key understanding from different sources of information;
    • to work collaboratively and respectfully within a group and share information with fairness;
    • follow age-appropriate expectations and practices regarding references, citations, quotations, and paraphrasing;
    • to develop ATLs in all of the units of inquiry;
    • to collaborate with other students and teachers to promote academic honesty;
    • to exemplify the attributes of the IB learner profile relating to academic honesty in classroom and homework practices, in group work, and other activities;
    •  to authenticate their work for the PYP Exhibition.

    As the culmination of the PYP, the Exhibition should reflect all of the criteria for academic honesty presented in the primary years and especially the last year of the PYP. Moreover, it should show that students can work independently in an academically honest manner. 

    During the Exhibition, academically honest students:  

    – Ask for help from his/her mentor when needed;  

    – Create lines of inquiry collaboratively;

    Use various sources of information and are academically honest when referring to these sources, including individual first-person sources;  

    – Work respectfully within the group to share information;

    – Acknowledge the work of their peers and take responsibility for the outcomes of their work;  

    – Present findings in ways that inspire others to take action. 

    The academically honest students in the early years (3-6 years):

    – Acknowledge help from parents, older students, and peers (instead of presenting others’ work as their own);  

    – Look at and read books and print material to find new information;  

    – Summarize essential understandings from audio and visual materials;  

    – Transmit newly acquired knowledge in their own words;  

    – Begin to assimilate knowledge from multiple sources into independent ideas and understandings;

    – Perceive copying as cheating;

    – Begin to work collaboratively in groups to share information gathering and presentation with contribution from all group members; recognize other students’ when working in groups.

    The academically honest PYP students (6-12 years):

    – Acknowledge help from parents, older students, and peers (instead of presenting others’ work as their own);  

    – Read from several sources, including print sources, to gather information;  

    – Take notes in their own words, using keywords and paraphrasing skills;  

    – Begin to use first-person sources and interviews when gathering information; 

    – Summarize understanding from audio and visual material in their own words; 

    – Write reports and summaries their own words, with a developing style of academic language; 

    – Acknowledge sources in a bibliography (APA-style); 

    – Can assimilate information from multiple sources into independent ideas and understandings;  

    – Perceive plagiarism as cheating;  

    – Don’t copy another student’s homework or allow others to copy their homework;

    – Understand that downloading or copying from electronic sources without permission is cheating;  

    – Work collaboratively in groups and contribute by sharing information and presenting understandings; recognize other students’ when working in groups.

    There is no academic consequence until the 4th grade of Russian school when students are preparing for their final exhibition. Consequences for deliberate plagiarism in 4th grade include:  

    First incident: students have the opportunity to correct the error; the teacher will lead a reflection session with the student.

    Second incident: IB coordinator will be informed and is to lead a reflection session; parents will be informed; the student signs a formal letter of commitment. 

    Third incident: Head of School and IB coordinator will be informed and are to lead a reflection session; Parents will be invited into school.

    It is the responsibility of the IB coordinator to develop and maintain a policy review cycle, updating the information. The next revision is scheduled for the academic year 2020/2021. Members of the community will be asked to take part in this review. 

    Admission policy

    English Playschool serves the educational needs of both international and local children. The IB PYP, as well as the Russian state curriculum, is offered to all the students of English Playschool. The school operates a non-discriminatory admission policy. Admissions are accepted and welcomed throughout the year. The school has a bilingual and international strand to our academic programme, we accept children with no previous experience of speaking English up to and including Preschool class. Beyond this, decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis after an interview with the Principal and the headteacher.

    English Playschool does not have a formal academic screening process and welcomes students with a wide variety of skills and abilities. Admission is considered to students who demonstrate age-appropriate abilities to meet the school’s standard grade-level learning outcomes, and who are able to function emotional and physically with minimal support. Where significant learning or physical support to function within the school’s inclusive setting and to meet the academic requirements needed, applicants may be considered only if the school is able to cater for individual needs. A child may not be admitted for any of the following reasons:  

    – It is determined that the student would not benefit educationally from attending the school.  

    – The school cannot meet the educational needs of the student.  

    – The lack of appropriate facilities and equipment  

    – The size of the class  

    Age (by August, 31) English Playschool class UK system
    2-3 years Toddlers Toddlers
    3-4 years Nursery Nursery
    4-5 years Preschool Reception
    5-6 years Kindergarten Year 1
    6-7 years Kindergarten Advanced Year 2
    7-8 years Grade 1 Year 3
    8-9 years Grade 2 Year 4
    9-10 years Grade 3 Year 5
    10-11 years Grade 4 Year 6

    Families seeking admission for their child(ren) are advised to apply as early as possible as certain classes fill up quickly. The maximum class size is 18 students for the Kindergarten (age 2-7) and 10 students for the Primary school (age 7-11). In the case of a child being accepted but with no space available in the class, the child is placed on a waiting list.

    Before a student may be admitted to English Playschool, all of the following must be submitted: 

    1. Application fee.

    2. Student Application Forms. This should be completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian. 

    3. Contract. This should be completed and signed by the parent or legal guardian. 

    4. Translation of the parents’ passports and childbirth certificate.

    5. Medical Forms:  

    – Copy of the medical policy;

    – Copy of the vaccination record;

    – Health card – form 026y;

    – Tests.

    This policy is developed by the school administration and school leadership team. It is the responsibility of the IB coordinator to develop and maintain a policy review cycle, updating the information. The next revision is scheduled for the academic year 2020/2021.